Each lesson contains the following sections:

Preparing to Plant
Provides information, written in easy-to-understand language, for the leader to share with participants. 

Applying Nutrients

Explains how participants will be enriched by the lesson.

Digging Into the Words
Defines words used in each lesson and is coupled with a “Word Challenge Matching Game”, along with Challenge Winner badges.

Planting Seeds

Provides a variety of hands-on activities to engage participants.

Harvest Time

Ask questions to help reinforce what participants learned.

Adding Up the Numbers
Introduces math challenges related to the concepts learned.

Checking the Harvest

Summarizes and reinforces information learned in the lesson.

Beyond the Garden

Shares helpful links to online games and resources that enrich the lesson’s content.

Lesson 1 and 2 include a “Next Time We Meet” section, and Lessons 2 and 3 provide “Last Time We Met” sections that recap information on previous lesson.

All in the Touch Lessons

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Lesson 1 summary

Lesson 2 summary

Lesson 3 summary