• Contacts:

  • Peggy G. Lemaux, Ph.D.
    111 Koshland Hall
    Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA 94720-3102
    Email: lemauxpg@berkeley.edu


About All in the Touch

AiTC lessonsThe All In the Touch curriculum was developed by Dr. Peggy G. Lemaux and her assistant, Science Communication Specialist Ms. Barbara Alonso at the University of California, Berkeley with funding from the American Society of Plant Biologists (http://aspb.org ). Dr. Cristina Reynaga-Pena also contributed to the initial development of the curriculum.

The objective of this curriculum is to encourage conceptual understanding of plant diversity, cell structure and function through tactile exploration of these topics. It has been recognized that human senses of touch, smell and taste are effective and meaningful ways of educational engagement. Focusing on a tactile approach to learning reinforces scientific concepts in a more relatable and durable way. The curriculum can be used in standard classrooms, afterschool programs and summer camps.

We also have two other downloadable middle school curricula,
DNA for Dinner and Backyard Mystery, plus a variety of games and displays available on loan.

DNA for Dinner Backyard Mystery Educational Resources


  • Peggy G. Lemaux, Ph.D.
    University of California ,Berkeley
  • Barbara Alonso
    University of California ,Berkeley
Reviewed in part by:
Dr. Dawn Chiniquy
Energy Biosciences Institute
University of California, Berkeley

Katie Engen
Education Coordinator
American Society of Plant Biologists

Dr. Cristina Reynaga-Peña
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios
Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV), Monterrey, México